Unlock value with Generative AI

Sigmoidal is an AI consulting company that helps 
businesses capture the opportunity of Generative AI

Sigmoidal Edge™

AI consulting

Harness the power of Generative AI & accelerate growth with AI consulting. Our globally integrated data science professionals help organizations achieve tangible results and create value.

Sigmoidal 360™

AI Software Development

Leverage our technical expertise and innovate at scale. We align your business deliverables with custom AI software development, test initial use cases with an MVP, and drive transformative growth.

Sigmoidal Aurora™

AI Knowledge Assistant

Your next-generation AI Knowledge Assistant for Enterprises. Fast and genuinely conversational. Feed it with mountains of your data, get verifiable answers with references, and ask AI to schedule actions.

Discover Generative AI

Explore the Horizon of Possibilities

Explore the Horizon of Possibilities: Access the Comprehensive Report on Current Market Applications of Generative AI.

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, asserts that Al is poised to become the most groundbreaking technological advancement in the annals of human history. According to McKinsey, 60 percent of organizations with reported Al adoption are using generative Al. Gain a competitive edge with our groundbreaking Executive Gen Al report.

Explore the Horizon of Possibilities

Work with Sigmoidal

Sigmoidal is an Al Consulting company based in New York. Our interdisciplinary team has experience across Generative AI, LP, and Machine Learning. Together, we create safe and beneficial Al systems that drive progress and innovation.

Senior Data Scientist

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Principal AI Consultant, Generative AI

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Enterprise Solution Architect, Cloud & Infrastructure

New York-USA
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Ready to get started?

We understand that building apps based on language models is new, so we offer Enterprise-dedicated AI Consulting and intuitive AI Knowledge Assistants.

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