We embarked on a mission to create safe AI that benefits enterprises worldwide.

From a small start-up to a trusted partner of Fortune 500 companies.
We bridge the gap between business objectives and tangible data science.

Design Authority

Born from a desire to lead in AI and Data Science, we craft best practices and architectures that set industry standards. Our commitment is our story—a relentless pursuit to empower your projects with unparalleled expertise.

Safe & Beneficial AI

We deliver AI that advances your business objectives and is developed with the utmost responsibility for safety and societal benefit. We aim to empower your organization with the utmost responsibility, ensuring a positive impact and driving sustainable progress.

Knowledge Sharing

Our commitment to Knowledge Sharing goes beyond mere words – it's a core part of our DNA. We pledge to be your unwavering guide, illuminating the path of AI learning and implementation.

Our Story

Our journey from founding Sigmoidal back in 2016 wasn't always easy, as we met many new challenges. But we pushed through, stayed passionate about data science and machine learning, and stuck to our premise - revolutionize Data Science and Machine Learning, which motivated us to constantly reinvent ourselves.

We wanted to innovate and reinvent - allowing our team to do things differently. It gave us the uncanny ability to engage with our clients and go far beyond traditional cooperation.

Expertise we bring onboard

Starting with a question - who are all these people that makeup Sigmoidal? People at Sigmoidal share both data science and engineering backgrounds. Apart from actively engaging throughout many projects, many of them occupy a position at top technological universities, most of them holding PhDs.

Combining those fields adds a lot of value in return - connecting data science and engineering, enabling us to understand machine learning models deeply and set up uniform data structures throughout. Our expertise lies in Object-oriented Programming, MLops, Data-centric AI, NLP, and Predictive Analytics and Forecasting, giving you a competitive edge.

Our Team

Marcin Stachowiak

Chief AI Architect

Marcin orchestrates our data science operations, driving a team skilled in translating complex data into actionable business strategies. His analytical prowess fuels operational improvements, new opportunities, and superior customer experiences, solidifying our data-driven ethos.

Marius Kierski

Managing Partner

Marius is a business-savvy innovator with a rich background in both technology and finance. His acumen extends beyond traditional leadership, marked by a series of strategic investments in AI start-ups. Marius’s approach blends cutting-edge technology insights with a keen investment foresight, underscoring his role as a leading figure in shaping the future of technology.

Careers at Sigmoidal

To truly develop safe and beneficial AI, we need a team as diverse as the challenges we face - a blend of engineers, data scientists, and professionals from various backgrounds and disciplines.

Unleash Scalable AI with Enterprise-Dedicated Experts

Dive into the world of Data-Centric AI, Generative AI, and Predictive Analytics with guidance from our seasoned professionals. Schedule your consultation and unlock the potential of your business.